Sunday, 18 November 2012

timber for knits

My friend's son Adam is about to become a dad for the first time. He's a landscape designer and is always off loading leftover materials at his mum's place. I was eyeing up some timber planks and we struck a deal... a car load in exchange for some baby knits.

This is another sprinkle... such a lovely pattern. It's from the Juju's Loops knitting book. I made another one a while back.

I have in mind to build a wendy house up at the allotment for Betty. It should keep her occupied, giving me a little more time for digging. 


  1. The colours are adorable and I think you may of hit on something with a wendy house at the allotment. It would certainly keep my girls entertained...just that little bit longer whilst I get all muddy.

    Nina x

  2. How can I obtain the pattern? Just lovely.

    1. Hi Robyn, as far as I can see the pattern is only available in the book Juju's Loops. Here's a link to the Loop knitting shop

      If you are having problems getting hold of the pattern, do give me your email address and I could help you.

      Vicky x
